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Friday, November 11, 2011

Hard Drive Shortages Ahead

Due to the recent flooding in Thailand, which produces 40% to 45% of the worlds HDD's, PC manufacturers and buyers alike should prepare for hard drive supply shortages.  Prices for hard drives will also begin to rise, some up more than 30%. As early as the beginning of November, Thailand's production started to be affected by the flooding. Production at some factories was directly shut down due to the flooding, others were halted due to poor access, and power outages.

The extent of the damages to the factories and production, will not not be known untill the flooding recedes. The IDC (Global marketing firm) says that the industry will most likely be able to restore the HDD production when the waters recede, but the recent shortages will continue to restrain supply for some time.

Written by: Collin Hadley


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